Understanding our Calling and its Anointing and Power
Rom 8:26-30
Those whom HE predestined He also called to Himself…to minister first to Him, / others
The Lord gives an anointing to fulfil the calling that He has given us.
WE are all called, but do we all recognise His gifting within the calling, that come by grace.
The power of His Grace within changes your life to fulfil that calling.
No matter what your push or your self effort is you cannot increase the anointing nor the power.
That has to be a souveriegn work of His.
No self effort will be able to do anything, with Him all you would need to do would be to say Boo. And it would happen.
Where there is a manifestation of the Kingdom of God…God is applying it.
It has to move through His character within each of us.
It is you delivering the Power of the Kingdom of God into another people’s lives.
Like a heavenly postman…post woman.
Not matter what you do you cannot prove anything of God’s anointing in your life…because it is there for others to see and receive.
You only know it is there when it manifests through your born again spirit.
It cannot in any way move through your old fleshly desires to be someone, for power etc
In my simple experience as soon as you become aware of it and try to put something of self into it, the anointing subsides and goes.
How do we handle the anointing.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh….full of grace and truth
Ask yourself…What measure is the power of grace He has to give?
Then what level of power is there within your life? Fullness of God.
Truth has power…mixture or compromise weakens that truth in you.
No truth no power.
2 Pet 1:2-11
There is a calling to fulfil.
There is an anointing to receive.
There is power to manifest.
ALL from your Holy Spirit life.
Not just unmerited favour, undeserved favour, its more than that.
First this power of His grace has to be experienced within, in the form of change.
If you have not experienced change…healing…deliverance in your own life…how will it flow in reality through you too others
We have been changed by the power of God’s loving and gentle conviction.
His word is meant to Discipline, Rebuke and Encourage.
To submit to change you have first to receive the conviction of the sin issue.
The anointing has power to break yokes. Deliver demons. Heal the sick. Roots of sin etc.
When teaching with the anointing, the word of God brings a strong conviction…if there has been no real conviction…but condemnation, it was not the Holy Spirit.
The power born of the Spirit of God within can create enough faith to move mountains.
To change character. From a murderer to a gentle kind person.
2 Cor 12:9 My Grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.
He has said to me: “The less of you the more of Me. When I release MY anointing on you there is an open door for My power to be released.”
Example was at Gisbourne NZ where Father moved in a gathering of three hundred people, seven were saved, many marriages were restored and numerous healings took place, all in five minutes.
We have to learn to recognise the difference between the anointing and adrenaline.
Some get excited and do crazy things under the flow of feelings of joy…adrenaline.
Truth without His grace can cut deep into the soul, and can hurt deeply. Back off the word.
But the power under the anointing wrapped in His grace with the truth will open the door for healing of any passed hurt.
Forgiveness is the door opener to start the procedure for release.
The truth with the power of His grace will only be painful (Conviction can be painful) for a short time, if we accept, what He is doing to bring the release that truth carries.
We may suffer for a while, but only to bring release of something deeper.
You may have been the product of the word, the truth without grace and the Lord would have you healed of that.
People have left churches because of it.
His power is wrapped in His love and His mercy.
What words are holding you in its grip:
Not good enough. Words of rejection. Fears of failure or the future.
What incident caused you to back off your long standing friend?
I Don’t feel the closeness of the Lord=loneliness feel isolated even while with others.
Let the anointing break that old yoke and come into the liberty and freedom that He so desires you to have.
Submit to His ways…receive the Kingdom of God and be changed.
I am praying for the release of the gifting required for the way ahead.
Prayer Warriors International
PO Box 390 | Birchington | Kent | CT7 9YX