Perfecting Unity is perfecting Holiness
John 17: Jesus’ prayer to His Father.
Understanding Father’s strategy as He is always pointing forward in a prophetical way…this is the way to go.
Sons of God are led by His Spirit.
The forerunner principle.
Saul and then David. Elijah then Elisha. John the Baptist then Jesus.
Then Jesus to the Father. It is Jesus…church…to Father.
Jesus was on earth as a forerunner to His Spiritual Body here now.
We as the Church are here as a forerunner pointing towards Jesus returning.
We should be pointing towards the end time strategy of the Father…eternity.
John 17:3…a call to be like Him, a Oneness with His Father and the Holy Spirit.
Understanding that there are things that are God’s ordained will, and some that God allows because of His grace.
God ordained = is God’s will done God’s way = no compromise of His word or way.
To live His Life…His way…His truth.
NOT His life lived our way…or our perception of the truth, but Holy Spirit revealed truth that has come as revelation to us.
His way is through His character alive in us.
It is also a question of where any motivation comes from.
His motive is…His way is…His truth is
1. Always to please His Father.
2. To lead, guide and help us to relate to His Father.
3. To give us revelation of His Father’s will…the Word…logos and rhema.
4. To destroy the works of the evil one…because of sin and sickness.
5. To produce a Holy people who will experience His life active in their own lives.
6. To manifest the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10
Rom 8:26-29
God called…chosen…equipped…anointed. All called but few chosen.
Not just living under grace but living in a close relationship with Him
Do we sin that grace may abound…may it never be?
Understanding His grace as the inner dwelling presence of God.
The difference between what God allows and what God has ordained is up to Him, But for us to raise the level of unity “Oneness” with Him we have need to choose His way.
In doing this we raise the level of Oneness with His full character in the Word.
Also, a greater sense of the leading of His Holy Spirit because we are choosing His way over our own perception and understanding.
More of Him results in less of us. John 3:30
His Holiness in us has the power to change life.How does He see things.
Sin. He hates sin. Because it opens the door to the evil one who weakens the spiritual life within you and me. When sin is submitted to it brings in death…sickness. It destroys life.
It hinders Holiness from manifesting…steals away purity and oneness with Him.
God does not tolerate sin…He has to judge it…those who practice it are not of God.
If there is sin in your life that you cannot control then something else is controlling it.
If we are not grafted into the root of Israel, the land and the people…where are we grafted?
God ordained…chose us to be attached as one new man with His people and land.
Some of the church have chosen not to be recognised with God’s people and replaced the root with a religious spirit.
This is not God’s ordained chosen way of life for His church…it has been chosen by man.
Yet God has allowed them to continue in their deception for this period of time.
But it weakens the church because it does not bear the right fruit…holiness.
They divorced themselves from those whom God is betrothed to…married. Isa 62:1-5
Choose this day to live under His ordained will and way rather than live under what He maybe allowing because of His grace.
It is time to raise the level of His Oneness within the True Church…His Body, so as to strengthen His character within it.
Compromising the will and the way of the Lord will weaken the Church rather than it be strengthened by more of Him and less of us.
Tsava Num 4
To protect everything that is Holy unto the Lord. The Word. The Holiness in your life.
If we are going to be ONE with Him we are to live and promote HIS way and not the influences of the world upon the church…called post modernism.
His relationship is more important than anything else.
His divine principles are there for us to willingly live by. The power is His Holiness.
Jude v8 Rejecting Godly authority…17-25 but I am expecting more of you says the Lord.
He is prophetically pointing us to Holiness and purity as the church for that is who He is.
A harvest of souls into a Godly church and not a worldly church.
He is perfecting His unity His way…by cleaning up His church body.
Oneness is the key to your anointing flowing.
It flows from Him within you…out to touch others.
He is the ONE True God who loves to set people free…whether they choose His way or not.
Watchman are required.
His calling of you and me is to see Him manifest on earth through His spiritual body.
He will equip and anoint you to fulfil His calling of you.
Let us pray for the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit.
Discernment of what is Him and what is not.
Choice is given…your will has to be involved…He does not bypass your will or your mind.
Word’s of knowledge. Wisdom from above.
Praying in tongues. Fasting and prayer.
Listening for His revelation of the signs of the times.
Release. Closing the doors of the past. Stepping into the revelation for His glory.
Prayer Warriors International
PO Box 390 | Birchington | Kent | CT7 9YX