Did Jesus die on the cross and did He rise on the third day? Yes, He did.
Did Jesus raise Lazarus after the third day? Yes, He did, (to prove that there was no life of spirit still in Lazarus’s body.)
Jewish and biblical culture say that a person’s spirit could remain in their body for up to three days. When the body dies, the spirit has to return back to God who gave it, Ecc. 12:6-7 Zech. 12:1.
Therefore, no spirit of any person can remain in the dead body after three days.
The DNA was in their natural body, in the flesh and the blood, not in their spirit. DNA does not show personality, but structure. When the natural body is dead so is their natural life blood, as there is no spirit in their blood, as spirit is not natural.
The life blood of a person dies in the body, so it cannot “speak” after three days.
Spirit does not have DNA because it is spirit and not bodily flesh. John 6:63.
Revelation 6:10 is an end time scenario in heaven and not on earth. The martyrs were pleading to God for Him to avenge their death. It was not their blood talking, it was their redeemed spirit; there can be no blood in heaven as it is a spiritual realm.
They overcame because of what Jesus did on the cross in cleansing them from sin by His blood, and by the way they lived before Him as their testimony. His Blood cleanses us from sin.
In Gen. 4:10 Cain killed Abel and within the three days, Abel’s life blood cried out to God; his spirit was still alive to be able to do so. After the third day there could be no life in the blood because the spirit had to return to God.
2 Kings 13:21 The soldier who fell into an open grave on to Elisha’s body did so within the three days. Elisha’s body and bones were still carrying the double anointing given to him by Elijah.
When Jesus returns, He will still be the Son of God in a fleshly body, but at present is with His Father as the Son with a life giving Spirit. That spiritual life flows through all that He has said and done.
The redeemed born again believer’s soul returns with their spirit alive in the Holy Spirit, back to God who gave it at their conception. (Zech 12:1; formed in the body Ps 139)
The unredeemed soul’s spirit returns back to God for His judgement upon it, then onto Hell.
When Jesus died on the cross, He gave up His Spirit and went back to His spiritual body that He had had while with the Father before He came to earth as a child. He now lives in His spiritual body with the Father and with us here on earth; He is our head, not a natural one but a spiritual one.
We who are born again live in Jesus’ spiritual body, (in Christ,) not in Jesus natural body that died on the cross. In the present, right now we are a spiritual being living in a body that has blood. All of those who have died who are with God are living in a new spiritual body where there is no blood; there is no blood in one’s spirit. John 3:6.
What was achieved on the cross by Father was amazing, - a complete atonement.
His Son only had to pour out His life blood once; it was a spiritual achievement in the natural world, a strategy of God the Father to redeem mankind. It is still active in the realm of the Holy Spirit, who is not bound by time as He gives the revelation of it. It is not naturally happening in the present; it was done, finished and completed. A person is saved when they gain revelation of what Jesus did on the cross and they see what it means to repent and turn away from their past. The old fleshly life has to pass away before the new spiritual can come, just as it was for Jesus.
1 Cor. 11 - In taking the communion Jesus calls us to remember Him pouring out His life blood for us. Eat My body (bread) the living word of God, AND drink My blood in remembrance of what I have done. His life blood made its atonement so that we can now celebrate what was achieved, through the revelation from the Holy Spirit. Understand spirit - you are first a spirit living through your soul in a body.
You cannot impart your spirit to any other person. It either lives in you or it goes back to God. You can of course impart what God has given you of spiritual gifting, and which flows through the Holy Spirit within you, through your spirit out to others.
Does my blood line need cleansing? It is not so much my blood that needs cleansing but it is the personalities that came through the ancestral line. It needs deliverance from spirit beings that had a right to use my forefathers, because of their sin issues, that gave “rights” or “license” to other personalities. Not because of my DNA but because of sin issues.
Exod. 20 - the personality of the sins of the fathers will visit the children for three or four generations. The spirit through illegitimacy and incest can transfer up to ten generations.
It is a personality that can only be dealt with through deliverance and not through cleansing of their blood, that died with the flesh many years past. Nothing is automatic we have to ask to receive.
The only scriptures pertaining to the cleansing work of the blood is in the conviction of the conscience. Heb 9:14. 1 John 1:7 explains that all the verses around it are to do with the conscience; it cleanses by conviction in my conscience. The Holy Spirit brings to the consciousness what Jesus’ life blood did on the cross.
No person outside of our family line can be affecting our lives as our personality is partly formed by our mother, father and past relatives, and who we are. I may have the characteristics of my past family, but I am especially chosen to be me by my heavenly Father as He gave me my own spirit for me to be me. It is not from anyone else it is simply me and certainly not from any other person’s DNA or blood.
As we travel around to help others in their spiritual growth before the Lord, we need to be very discerning. We are told to test every spirit that speaks to us and to weigh every prophecy. We are also told to accept or reject such, as even the elect could be deceived.
All authority is in the name of Jesus. We never ask in the blood of Jesus. His blood poured out for us was for sin issues and not for spiritual warfare which is executed by authority being in Christ and not in His blood. We thank God for all that He has accomplished by and through His blood, but we should never use it as some magical statement to frighten off the enemy or for our protection as we have the spiritual armour for that and there is no blood in the armour (Eph 6:10-17) just character. We have to trust in His protection as in Psalm 91:11-16 and Luke 10:17-20. We should relate to Jesus for all that He is as a person and not just because of what He has done for us; we relate to Him as a person not to His blood.
You do not relate to my blood - you relate to me as a person and vice versa.
So often the scriptures are taken out of context especially Exod. 12:11-13. The destroying angel was sent by God Himself and it was not from the evil one. The command from God the Father was to first kill the lamb, then eat it and then put the blood on the doorposts so that MY destroying angel will pass over your home. The destroying angel was not from Satan it was sent by God Himself, so why would one want to protect one’s self from God?
There is no power against the enemy by putting the blood of Jesus on your door posts as spirit beings are from another realm and are not hindered by structure and are not bound by natural things like doors. I pray that the good Lord will give you the revelation of all of this so that you can trust Him more fully in these end days.
I trust that this will help us and keep us in the right strategy and divine order of the Lord.
Many Blessings,
Prayer Warriors International
PO Box 390 | Birchington | Kent | CT7 9YX