Addressing the Error in The Westminster Confession of Faith
We as the co-ordinators of Prayer Warriors International have been called of the Lord as forerunners, and tasked to lay an axe to the insecure foundations of teaching that has hindered the true church of Jesus Christ from manifesting the fulness of His will and character in the Kingdom of God.
It is an article of faith in much Reformed theology that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were for the time of Christ and the early church, but not for today. This has been taught in theological colleges of all denominations across the British Isles and worldwide, and it has been stated in Confessions of Faith upon which Reformed churches say they stand. Hence the church has been robbed of a key to the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit to set people free through deliverance and healing. In turn, this mixture has hindered the liberty and freedom of so many who could have been part of the five-fold ministries.
On the 31 October 2023 before making a new Westminster Confession of Faith on behalf of Your Body in the British Isles, Commonwealth Nations and all other Nations of the World we came to ask for Your forgiveness. We now come again before You asking You to continue in building a “foundation of repentance” (Hebrews 6:1) so that You may cause us to build on foundations that are entirely as You would have them be.
Westminster Confession of Faith 2023 Declaration
We gather as members of the Body of Christ in the United Kingdom to make a Confession of Faith for the Church in these nations of the British Isles. We do this in humble recognition that we stand on the unadulterated word of God, yet express our appreciation and thanks to previous generations of believers for their faithful and steadfast witness. There were many who loved not their lives even unto death, and we owe them much.
Prayer Warriors International
PO Box 390 | Birchington | Kent | CT7 9YX