The supporting role of woman.
The Bible shows women are precious to God, and of equal dignity and worth in His sight to men. In Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan wrote, “I read not that ever any man did give unto Christ so much as one groat, but the women followed him and ministered to him of their substance. ’Twas a woman that washed his feet with tears, and a woman that anointed his body to the burial. They were women that wept when he was going to the cross; and women that followed him from the cross and that sat by his sepulchre when he was buried. They were women that were first with him at his resurrection-morn; and women that brought tidings first to his disciples that he was risen from the dead. Women therefore are highly favoured …”
We recognise the debt owed to women in the Body of Christ over recent decades, when men have too often failed to step up to their God-appointed roles and functions. And women’s important role in prayer is reflected in the Mother Barbara prophecy of 1911, which says Britain “will come to almost total ruin but be saved by praying women.”
That said, we must beware of allowing the culture of the world to dictate how we see the relationship between the sexes, and instead stand firmly on what the Word of God says. He created man and woman for different roles, with
complimentary characteristics and giftings.
Why address this today?
Because many women are being encouraged and some putting themselves in a place of authority that is opening a door that is creating a vulnerability for themselves and others in the Church and Ecclesia.
In this day man’s authority in the home, in Church and in the nation is being deliberately weakened by the promotion of the feminine into a place of authority over men. Satan’s strategy is to replace a Father figure of God to be a feminine character.
More men are submitting to the ways of the world than the way of God. God has not put woman to discipline, rebuke or to rule over mankind. A family has to have the authority of the father at the head of it, not the father and the mother, but the father then the support of the mother.
In today’s world the word of God is slowly being pushed out of family life because it is submitting to the ways of the world, the kingdom of this world is seeking to rule over the kingdom of God within family life and Church prior to Christ’s return.
Deception is rife and many are living by a mind faith that is created by reasoning rather than by revelation created by the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21). Reasoning and logic are part of the end time battle in ref to Zech 9:13 between the sons of Zion and the sons of Greece, not between the daughters but the sons, as it is the male line that authority is handed down biblically.
We are not in God’s eyes equal in spiritual authority as woman was not ordained to rule over man. Gal 3:28-29 is being misinterpreted as authority when it is to do with inheritance,1 Pet 3:7 adds to this. Isa 3:10-12 speaks of men who do not act righteously will be ruled over by woman and children, which is happening today in many households. Children are growing up not knowing the Godly order for family life, and the spiritual authority in the true Church of God. Woman will take the authority if man does not. The Church today has need of Godly men fulfilling their ordained authority from God so that woman can nestle and support rather than having to promote themselves with something of a lesser authority. (Eph 5:22-33)
Most Godly women would desire to submit to their father, husband or church leader when they could see the heavenly Father’s authority being promoted through them. For a woman to have desires to rule in a marriage or a church situation is not ordained by God and could well be anti-submissive to the actual word of God. Any man who puts a woman in a place of authority in the Church to discipline or rebuke men is acting contrary the way and word of the Lord. Any man who submits to the kingdom of this world’s way is simply as the word says an adultery, because it is flirting with the worldly spirit rather than submitting to the HOLY Spirit (James 4:4).
Many women today are placed in a position to teach the bible to groups of women and men in the Church, to do that according to God’s order in it, it has to be with discipline rebuke and encouragement or it’s not the true word of God (2 Tim 4:1-3). God may allow an element of instruction for the promotion of prayer, but not to lead or tell men what to do. In every Church meeting there should be a man of authority as an over-seer to correct any false teaching. (1 Tim 3:1-15).
In my simplistic understanding that should be the same for men that lead as well, they should all be in submission to other Godly men, because we are all part of a body and not just individuals working in ministry on our own. We all as men and women leaders should be in a place of submission to others.
Any, even a small error, or adding to, or taking away the unadulterated word of God will open up to more deception to come into man or woman and Church. The word of God itself, or should I say Himself, warns us not to accept error and to test everything, because of what can happen if we do (Rev 22:18-19).
The life flow of the river of life from the throne room of God into or lives by the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Let us trust Him to do so.
David Tidy (PWI)
Prayer Warriors International
PO Box 390 | Birchington | Kent | CT7 9YX